November 29, 2012

A simple eggplant recipe

Usually eggplants are used in salads but they are delicious fried on the grill. I had some eggplants and I thought I should make some breakfast so I cut them in cubes and threw them in a pan:
After the cubes got brown I added some cheese:
After the cheese melted I added tomato sauce:
You can add some eggs also, but you can serve it like this:
Bon appetit!

November 22, 2012

Black friday

Tommorrow is shopping day so if you want to buy something from eMAG (like I do) use this link =>
Have a great shopping day!

November 14, 2012

Cargo bike

I bought my city bike two years ago in Berlin from the flea market. Since then I carried many heavy and big things with it, too bad I didn't take a photo of the bike every time. Here are a few pics with my cargo bike:
A bike on a bike
carrying some isolation
20 meters of isolation on board

November 8, 2012

Tough times call for tough measures

It's been a long time since I wrote (regularly) here, but my life got in fast forward mode again:)

Lately I had some money shortages so I had to rob the piggy bank. I got this ceramic devil about 4 years ago from my friends and I started collecting only 50 bani coins (worth about 10 euro cent) in it. I had big plans for the money but the devil got full just in time, when I really needed some money. So one night with the help of my gf I robbed the bank:
We ordered the money in stacks of ten to count it:
There were 460 coins in the bank (about 100 euros). I put the money in a bag which got really heavy and went to the bank. Luckily they had a coin counting machine :)